TorTR #163 - The Turbo Tuck and Twirl
Episode 163 of Trick or Treat Radio features not only one, but two special guests! Wait, there’s more? Holy poop. We are joined by THREE special guests this week! We have Joe from the Film for Thought Podcast, Jim Smith from our favorite band Teeel and his tattoo artist, Jason Paul! These totally tubular dudes join us to review the retro 80s Action/Sci-Fi flick, Turbo Kid produced by Jason Eisener, Ant Timpson and directed by RKSS! After narrowly escaping death, Dynamo walks right out of surgery and into Castle Wolfenstein to keep his streak alive! So grab a scalpel, extra gauze, your Turbo Glove and strap on!
Topics discussed: The 80's, spaghetti westerns, bikesploitation, dressing like it's still the 80's, Delorean, Australian carsploitation, pain killers, the Trick or Treat Radio cookout, UltraMantis Black, Film for Thought Podcast, Mondo Releasing, Jim's man cave, the AIDS episode of Mr Belvedere, Teeel, Tangerine Dream, bad phonesex, Joey Tron at the party, Tom C's facial hair, international lady friends, MonsterZero’s special delivery, The Deadites and Teeel should score films, The Gift, letterboxed, Kung Fury, Gleaming the Cube, Michael Ironside, The Horror Club, MonsterZero's & Jim's tattoos, Fresca, Stan Bush, Vangelis, Laurence Leboeuf, Turbo Kid, party lines, UMass Memorial, Frankenstein the fish, Facebook news feed, the Turbo Kid merch crowdfunding, Le Matos, Astron-6, the Blade Runner score, Marvel movies, Peter Jackson, AOL chat rooms, Excite Bike, Candy Crush Saga, the vandalism of Dynamo’s home, BMX bikes, Dynamo’s hospital stay, the monetization of social media, Turbo Kid score, the origin of Teeel and the Deadites, Jason Eisener, the theme to High Noon, The Editor, New Zealand only makes funny movies, video on demand, Heartbeeps, Mad Max for kids, Godzilla's foes, Road Warrior, comic references, Cherry 2000, Horror Made, Wal-Mart selfies and RKSS.